One card, No problems
Your preferred currency
Pay like a local
Almost all card payment companies charge around 2-3% of transaction amount each time you pay in a foreign currency and some card issuers charge an extra 2-3% as foreign transaction fees when you use your card in an international trip.
All ATMs do not accept international debit or credit cards, especially outside of major cities and exchanging money can be time-consuming especially in major tourist hubs and you also receive less favorable exchange rates than local residents. Say goodbye to all of that!
Carrying large amounts of cash or using your normal debit / credit card for various purchases
during your trip can be risky.
By paying in the local currency, you can avoid confusion about how much you are actually spending and you can avoid being overcharged by greedy merchants. You'll also better understand the economy and the cost of living in the country you are visiting.
Tell us how much money in IRR you need in your Daric Pay and see how much money you need to bring in cash in your native currency.
Fill the order form and our support team will contact you
Receive your card in Iran your chosen time and place.
• Card Issuance: €20 + 10% VAT (€22 total).
• In-Office Pickup (Tehran): €22 (card issuance + VAT).
Delivery Fee:
• In Tehran: €10-15 + 10% VAT (€11-€16.50 total, depending on location).
• To Other Cities: €10 + 10% VAT for postal delivery
Creating an account, applying for a DaricPay Travel Card and using it at POS and ATM locations are all free.